Friday, November 30, 2007

the end. . .

. . . of a very long month. NaBloPoMo has come to an end. Although I didn't get to post every. single. day. I think I still did a decent job at keeping up with things. Really, the only time I missed was when Comcast screwed everything up. Anyhow, it's been fun. It's been hard. And, mostly, I'm looking forward to going back to posting whenever I feel like it. Which, knowing me, will still be pretty often. Lots of memories are made during this time of year, after all.

In other news, congratulations are in order to a few special people. Neither one of them are crazy enough to post a blog. At least not publicly, but they are still close to me, and as far as I know, read this blog.

First one is to David and Laurie, who just welcomed their newest edition, a little boy! Born a bit early, but healthy and home where he belongs, in time for Christmas. Congratulations you guys!

Second one is to my brother and his new wife. As you recall, they just got married in September. She was always told that she would have a difficult time getting pregnant, and when the time was right, would go straight on fertility medicine. She has the same problems I have; cysts, irregular periods, all that good stuff. Anyway, after a month on birth control, they just found out that she is pregnant!! I'm so happy for both of them! Deuce, my brother, is beyond happy and apparently can't seem to wipe the smile off his face. I'm so glad that the road to parenthood has, so far, been an easy one for them, instead of the twisty, bumpy road they thought they were in for.

Note to self: get to the darn doctor and order up some freakin' birth control.